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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one such factor that has been evolving constantly. Due to this, it becomes difficult to always be on top. But, if you’re able to work according to the latest SEO trends, then it will be worth all your efforts.

In 2020, 90.63% of pages on the internet got no organic traffic from Google, while the top-ranked pages earned over 49% of all search traffic. If you don’t want your website to be left behind, you’ll need to embrace the top SEO trends for 2021.


Here are the Top 10 SEO Trends in 2021

Voice powered search queries

To embrace the trend of voice-powered search queries, try these tips. Start paragraphs in your blog articles with questions, and begin questions with words like “what,” “when,” “how,” “who,” and “why.” Use neutral-sounding language that translates into other languages easily. Provide concise answers to questions.

Google EAT Principle Will Dominate Content

To embrace the EAT principle in 2021-ensure your website has an active SSL certificate. Avoid misconstruing topics or publishing content with bias (i.e., giving medical advice) link to credible sites with controlled domains like ‘.edu’ and ‘.gov’. Link the sources on all statistics, quotes, and images you use to avoid breaching someone else’s copyright.

Mobile Friendliness Will Influence Rankings

Mobile-friendly websites use an interface that shrinks to the size of a mobile screen, allowing customers to use your website as effectively as they would on their computer.

Image and Video Optimization

Statistics from Google show that video content is essential for product-based businesses, as 80% of people switch between video and online search when shopping. To adapt to this new marketing landscape, you’ll need to optimize your website’s rich media.

Go for structured data/ Schema Markup

Structured data helps Google in understanding what your web page is about and what information are you sharing at a glance. It is like giving a glimpse of what a person is about to get out of the whole content.

The advancement of AI in SEO

We know that AI (Artificial Intelligence) is being used for three things- Content Sorting, Ranking search results and understanding Language. To embrace and adjust your SEO strategy around the changes brought by AI-based search engines, experts recommend using SEO services to craft content that will appeal to both readers and search engine algorithms.

Stay updated on core web vitals

 Google announced in May 2020 that they are going to revamp their search algorithm which will focus on ‘Core Web Vitals’. This includes metrics such as page loading time and how mobile-friendly the website is.

Detailed and Quality Content

Google looks for the most relevant content that goes best with the customer’s search query. So, it is very important to create quality and detailed content which results in customer satisfaction have positively impacted your ranking as well.

Google My Business listing is important

 Google my business listing is completely free and a wonderful way to get your business associated with Google. Google My Business Optimization can help increase your chances of showing up in local search results on Google which will automatically make people find you more reliable.

Search intent over keywords

 Make sure your content is understandable. Forget about sounding fancy and like Shakespeare’s first cousin. No one likes to read something where they have to refer to a dictionary from time to time. Try to come up with unique FAQ’s and make them a part of your content.

To truly embrace SEO trends for 2021, abandon the hard sell and make your website readers the primary focus of all your content. Your website isn’t made for robots – don’t market it like one!

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